Safeguarding Babies & Infants
Pregnancy and the first two years of a child's life are extremely important stages in their development.
Babies and infants physical, emotional and psychological development and critically, the development of relationships with their carers, are all shaped by their experiences.
Research is increasingly demonstrating how their early childhood development impacts on their cognitive and emotional development at school, through adolescence and into later life.
Babies and young infants are entirely dependent on their parents and carers to meet all of their need all of the time and it is this helplessness that can make them vulnerable.
On this page you will find information, guidance and resources in relation to safe sleep, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) and prevention of accidental injuries which helps to reduce Sudden Unexpected Death in Children (SUDIC) in Wakefield.
What are SIDS?Show details
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is the sudden and unexplained death of an infant where no cause is found after detailed post mortem.
How prevalent are SIDS?Show detailsIn 2020, nationally there were:
– 196 unexplained infant deaths occurred in the entire UK in 2019, a rate of 0.28 deaths per 1,000 live births
– 170 unexplained infant deaths occurred in England and Wales in 2019, a rate of 0.27 deaths per 1,000 live births: a decrease from 0.32 deaths per 1,000 live births in 2018
– Just over half (55.3%) of all unexplained infant deaths were boys in 2019 (0.29 deaths per 1,000 live births). This is a decrease from 57.6% in 2018
– In 2019, the unexplained infant mortality rate was highest for mothers aged under 20 years, at 0.96 deaths per 1,000 live births
Credit: Office of National Statistics, National Records of Scotland and Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency 2020
In Yorkshire & Humber, latest available data shows:
– SIDS rates in Yorkshire and the Humber have increased from 0.29 in 2017 to 0.40 in 2018
– Rates of SIDS deaths in Yorkshire and the Humber are now amongst the highest in the country, considerably higher than the average rate in England and Wales of 0.30
Credit: The Lullaby Trust, Reducing Sudden Infant Deaths in Yorkshire & the Humber, 2021
Further information on SIDSShow details
For further information on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, visit The Lullaby’s Trust website

Safer Sleep
In Wakefield, any practitioner who comes into contact with parents and carers of babies should have an awareness of safer sleep practices and feel able to provide key safe sleep messages.
Depending on your service and role, you may also provide specific support and further guidance to parents and carers in relation to safe sleep.
Therefore it is a key areas for all practitioners who work with children and families, where babies are present, to have a working knowledge of safe sleep practices in the district as referenced within the Wakefield Safer Sleep Standard.
Wakefield Safer Sleep Standard
The Wakefield Safer Sleep Standard provides guidance and resources to use to promote safe sleep practice:
- Definitions on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), co-sleeping, bed sharing and overlaying
- What best practice looks like
- Engaging parents in safer sleep practices
- Key messages on co-sleeping, bed sharing, SIDS, breastfeeding, co-bedding, swaddling, dummy use, carriers and slingsResources for parents and practitioners
- Safer Sleep Questions
- Overlay Risk Assessment
Download the latest version below:
Wakefield Safer Sleep Training
Wakefield Council Public Health have developed the Every Sleep a Safe Sleep multi-agency training, for all agencies who work with parents and carers of babies aged 0-12 months including pre-birth.
Places for the training are released on a regular basis and bookable through here.
Baby Product Guide including Second-Hand Sleeping Products
The Lullaby Trust have updated the downloadable Baby Product Guide, it’s packed full of top tips and product safety advice so you’ll know exactly what to look for when you go shopping for baby products. Get your free download today:
Click here to access The Lullaby Trust’s top tips for buying and using second-hand baby products.
Agencies who offer support...
The Lullaby Trust
The Lullaby Trust are a leading national charity, who raise awareness of SIDS, provide expert advice on safer sleep for babies and offer emotional support for bereaved families.
There is a range of information, guidance, research, resources and training available for practitioners to access, in addition to advice and guidance for parents and carers.
Safer Sleep from Day One: A Professionals' Guide, contains specific information to give to families during pregnancy. Traditionally safer sleep advice to prevent SIDS has been given after a baby has been born, but it can be important to give this advice before the birth. Please click here to access the guide
Please click here to access a booklet to give to expectant parents, to help them prepare a safe sleep space ready for their baby's arrival.
Visit The Lullaby Trust website for further information.
The Lullaby Trust have also published a really handy guide about "Safer Sleep in Winter". This guide has advice for parents/carers who are concerned about trying to keep their babies warm during the colder months, particularly during the cost of living crisis, when the cost of heating your home has increased so much. The guide also contains information about who may be able to help if you are worried about paying your heating bills and feeding your family. Please click here to access it.
LiftTheBaby Safer Sleep Campaign for New Dads/Male Carers
By Berkshire West and East Berkshire ICB's
The Lift The Baby campaign is aimed at promoting safer sleeping in younger babies. The move follows figures showing more than 130 babies die in the UK every year in hazardous sleeping circumstances , for example, where a parent or carer falls asleep whilst holding the baby, unwittingly placing the child at risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).
The risks are exacerbated if the adult has been smoking, drinking using drugs or heavy medication or is excessively tired. But in most cases, if adults follow the safe sleeping guidelines, these deaths are completely avoidable.
This film is the result of a year long piece of work pioneered by Berkshire West Integrated Care Board (ICB), East Berkshire ICB and a range of health partners. Research showed that the bulk of information and support offered to new parents was aimed primarily at mothers, and the health teams wanted to develop something to reach out to new dads.
A special webpage has been developed in partnership with the Lullaby Trust and features a range of safe sleeping advice:
Special thanks to London Irish Rugby Club and Foundation for their support in making this video

Spotting the Signs of Infection Resources
The Lullaby Trust have developed several resources which professionals can share with families to help them feel confident in spotting the signs of infection and know when to take action to keep their baby safe.
Free posters and leaflets
Download and display these to spread this life saving advice:
- THANKS guidelines
- Spotting infections in babies
- Key information to tell your health professional
- Red Book insert
Baby Check App
Signpost families to The Lullaby Trust’s newly updated FREE Baby Check app to help them decide if their baby needs to see a health professional when they are unwell.
Infection Prevention Advice
You can find all of the Lullaby Trust’s infection prevention advice here, including the signs of infection, details about specific infections and an animation to share.
ICON: Babies Cry, You Can Cope
ICON Babies Cry, You Can Cope programme supports parents and carers manage normal infant crying and to prevent abusive head trauma injuries to babies caused by shaking, also referred to as ‘shaken baby syndrome’.
ICON is an evidenced-based programme designed to help parents and carers understand the normal crying pattern of young infants and to help them develop successful coping mechanisms to deal with this.
The ICON programme delivers four simple messages before the birth and in the first few months of a baby’s life:
I – Infant crying is normal;
C –Comforting methods can help;
O – It’s OK to walk away;
N – Never, ever shake a baby.
ICON was launched in Wakefield in 2020, and the programme has been demonstrated to help parents and carers manage the stresses which can be caused by normal infant crying. Midwives, Health Visitors and other practitioners across the district have developed ICON expertise to help give parents and carers the tools they need to help keep their babies safe.
There are a host of resources including leaflets and a series of videos which can be accessed from the ICON website.
ICON - E-Learning
ICON have developed an excellent eLearning module on their website which has recently been updated. The new training is web-based and includes a certificate upon completion.
Complete the training via the link
Please note – You will first need to register by clicking “Get Started” then “Register” on the log in page before you can progress to the training itself – your “username” is your own choice
ICON Stop Right There Video
This short ICON video reminds parents and carers that babies need handling by someone with a careful touch.
Parents/carers are reminded that when responding to a crying baby its okay to stop at the door and make sure you are calm before picking them up, and if needs be walk away for a minute.
On-the-go wellbeing support is available to new and expectant fathers in Wakefield.
DadPad is free to download and provides on-the-go support and advice to help fathers enjoy their babies, feel more confident and support their mental and emotional wellbeing.
The DadPad App can be downloaded for free:
For further information on DadPad and how it fits with the ICON programme, visit the ICON website.
Wellbeing for new dads, partners and non-birthing partners
- How might becoming a parent effect my emotional wellbeing?
- What is anxiety and depression in new parents?
- How do I bond with my with my baby?
- What is responsive parenting?
For helpful guidance on the above and more please click here
Safer Sleeping: Reducing the risk of sudden infant death due to ‘Overlay’
Sharon Harvey, Bradford District Care Foundation Trust
This presentation helps practitioners reduce the risk of sudden infant death due to ‘Overlay’
Further learning
Visit our Training Page to access the latest training on Parental Mental Ill Health, Every Sleep a Safe Sleep, Drop in sessions and much more.
Or why not take a look at some of our previous Masterclasses and presetations below.
WSCP Safeguarding Babies & Infants Masterclass Pt.1
WSCP delivered a safeguarding babies and infants masterclass to provide briefings across a number of key safeguarding developments.
Part one covers:
- Local Responses to Safeguarding Young Babies and Infants in Wakefield
- Why We Need to Prioritise Infant Mental Health
WSCP Safeguarding Babies & Infants Masterclass Pt.2
Part two covers:
- Parental Mental Ill Health, Impact on Young Babies and Infants
- Learning from recent Reviews and Audit Activity Concerning Babies and Infants
MAPLAG Audit 2020
Angela South Named Midwife MYHT
A short overview of MAPLAG and its audit process
Burns, Bruises and Scalds Protocol Information Leaflet for Wakefield and District Parents and Carers
Wakefield Families Together have published a useful leaflet for Wakefield District parents and carers explaining the multi-agency protocol for the assessment of non-mobile babies with injuries including bruising, burns and scalds for Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield Safeguarding Children Partnerships. Please click here to access it
Infant Mental Health Presentation
PresentationProduced by Jane Turner – Parent Infant Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist
The invisible voice of children under two
Podcast by the NSPCC (26 mins)Two NSPCC social workers and a safeguarding manager to come together to discuss the risks to infants under two and how these risks can be recognised and prevented.