Welcome to the

WSCP Knowledge Hub

The Hub has been created for anyone who works or volunteers with children and their families in the Wakefield area, to help you easily access all the latest information on a variety of safeguarding issues in one place.

These pages continue to grow and expand as we add more content… so make sure you revisit our pages regularly to take advantage of new posts, resources and signposting.

Why not visit our new ‘bitesized’ Safeguarding section below? Or if you interested in how the training impacts your practise, take a look at our infographs and evaluation reports at the bottom of the page.

Check out our toolkits and larger resources

View our 'Bite-sized' Safeguarding resources
  • Text link image Adversity, Trauma & Resilience
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    In Wakefield we acknowledge that there is a profound link between adversity, trauma and resilience in the way that practitioners identify and assess risk. When supporting a child and their family through difficult times, it is important to correctly frame the language and terminology associated with adversity and trauma so we can communicate and connect with people through curiosity and compassionate understanding.

    Understanding adverse childhood experiences can help professionals assess the potential effects of trauma on individuals and by following the approach of the 3 T’s, ‘Trauma Aware, Trauma Informed, Trauma Responsive,’ we are committed to building a stronger, more resilient community for this generation and the next.

    This approach seeks to break the cycle of adversity and trauma by promoting resilience and well-being.

    Take me to the Adversity, Trauma & Resilience page

  • Text link image Domestic Abuse
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    1 in 5 children are living in a household where Domestic Abuse is present. The effect that Domestic Abuse has on children can be profound, traumatic and cumulative, and can go undetected.

    Visit our Domestic Abuse Hub page for all the latest to help you support children and their families who are dealing with Domestic Abuse

    Take me to the Domestic Abuse resource

  • Text link image Neglect
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    Neglect is one of the most common features of a child protection plan and is the most prevalent form of abuse in the UK, featuring in over 60% of child safeguarding practice reviews.

    Visit out Neglect Hub page for more information on neglect, including the different types, links to the toolkit and training.

    Take me to the Neglect resource

  • Text link image Relationships Matter
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    If you work with families where relationships are fraught and you can help facilitate healthier connections take a look at the Relationships Matter webite for all the latest in resources and downloads

    Take me to the Relationships Matter website

  • Text link image Safeguarding Babies and Infants
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    Pregnancy and the first two years of a child's life are extremely important stages in their development. Babies and young infants are entirely dependent on their parents and carers to meet all of their needs all of the time and it is this helplessness that can make them vulnerable.

    Visit the Safeguarding Babies and Infants hub where you will find information, guidance and resources in relation to safe sleep and the prevention of accidental injuries which helps to reduce Sudden Unexpected Death in Children (SUDIC) in Wakefield

    Take me to the Safeguarding Babies and Infants resource

  • Text link image Safeguarding in Sport
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    All sports clubs have a responsibility to protect and safeguard children.

    Visit the Safeguarding in Sport page where you will find information, advice and guidance on what sports clubs and activity providers need to to ensure they can safeguard children effectively.

    Take me to the Safeguarding in Sport page

  • Text link image Understanding Sexual Behaviours
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    Sexual behaviours are displayed by children of all ages. It is important for everyone who works or volunteers with children to have a good understand of sexual behaviour in children and how this develops.

    Visit the Understanding Sexual Behaviour Hub which has resources to help you recognise if behaviours are natural and heathy for a child’s age, or if a behaviour starts to become unhealthy and crosses over into inappropriate or harmful sexual behaviour.

    Take me to the Understanding Sexual Behaviour resource

  • Text link image Water Safety

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    Drowning is among the leading causes of accidental deaths and claims the lives of more than 50 children every year in the UK.

    Visit our Water safety Hub page for all the latest information, resources and videos on how to stay safe in and around open water.

    Take me to the Water Safety resource