Updated July 2024
Domestic Abuse
It is estimated that 1 in 5 children are living in a household where Domestic Abuse is present. The effect that Domestic Abuse has on children can be profound, traumatic and cumulative, and can go undetected. It is estimated that only 17% of victims report their abuse to the police.
The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 recognises children as victims if they see, hear or experience the effects of abuse between two personally connected individuals who are aged 16 or over. Any abusive behaviour directed at a person under the age of 16, however, is classed as child abuse, rather than domestic abuse.
Domestic Abuse is defined as “any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who are or have been intimate partners or family members regardless of gender or sexuality. This can encompass but is not limited to the following types of abuse: Psychological, physical, sexual, financial, emotional”.
What constitutes as Abuse?
- Physical or sexual abuse
- Psychological or emotional abuse
- Economic abuse
- Violent or threatening behaviour
- Controlling or coercive behaviour
The behaviour can be a single incident or ongoing and can be one or many of the behaviours listed above. Physical abuse may include withdrawing food or sleep, handing out punishment, rape, forced prostitution, revenge porn or unconsented recording of sex. A victim may not be allowed to socialise or to claim their own benefits in order for the perpetrator to control the victim.
Stalking and Harassment, Female Genital Mutilation, Honor Based Abuse and Forced Marriage is also a form of Domestic Abuse.
Controlling and Coercive BehaviourShow detailsControlling and Coercive behaviour is a pattern of behaviour which aims to strip away the victim’s sense of self, their freedoms and choice. It is a common tactic used by perpetrators of domestic abuse but can often be difficult to identify by both the victim and professional.
To read more about the legal implications, procedures and how to support victims of domestic abuse, visit this one minute guide here.
Domestic Homicide ReviewsShow detailsDHR’s are part of the Domestic Violence, Crime and Victims Act 2004 and became law in April 2011. This one minute guide explores what a Domestic Homicide Review is, including its purpose, process, and timescales.
To read more please visit this one minute guide here.
Where can you go for more information
Requesting information under Claire's LawFind out more
If someone is in danger of Domestic Abuse, 'Claire's Law' enables the Police to release information about any previous history of violence or abuse a person might have.
Wakefield Council WebsiteFind out more
For more information about the local offer around Domestic Abuse, incuding how to report it, WDDAS, victim and perpetrator advice and to download the #SilentSolution Guide visit the Safer Together website.
DASH Risk ChecklistFind out more
Domestic Abuse Stalking and Harassment (DASH) risk checklist can be accessed in many different languages from the Safe Lives website
Wakefield District Domestic Abuse Service (WDDAS)Find out more
If you would like support and advice around domestic abuse, you can contact WDDAS or report the abuse.
GASPEDFind out more
GASPED has secured funding to provide support to male victims of domestic abuse, living in the District of Wakefield.
The Learning Academy are hosting a Domestic Abuse Resource Event. With over 20 stalls in attendance, find resources, support and advice from charities/partners and professionals within the Wakefield District.
Held at the Chesney Centre, Featherstone, WF7 5EW (Room 1), on Wednesday 20 November 2024, drop in anytime between 09:30-13:30.
If you have any questions about this event, please contact the Learning Academy, learningacademy@wakefield.gov.uk.
16 Days of Action 2024Show details- Make-up with Maddie
Wakefield Council is releasing four ground-breaking videos during the 16 days of action (25th November – 10th December 2024) – a campaign to end domestic violence and abuse.
The series of videos follow ‘Maddie’, a beauty vlogger. As she talks about her experience and that of other survivors she has met on her journey. The videos portray the realities of domestic abuse and at the same time are relatable. We want people to realise it affects people just like them and can often go unseen.
The videos were inspired by the stories of local victims of domestic abuse. Including that of a child who witnessed their parent experience abuse. It’s important to remember that children are victims too and they often see and hear more than parents think.
Maddie’s experience of domestic abuse wasn’t physical. It was controlling and left her feeling like a ghost. The stories highlight that there are many types of abuse, and anyone can be the victim or abuser. The final video will focus on a potential abuser. They realise their behaviour is hurting the person they love. But the first step to making a change is to ask for help.
Over 10,000 domestic abuse incidents were recorded in the Wakefield district over the last 12 months. That is 10,000 too many. So, it’s important that we continue to raise awareness of the impacts of domestic abuse and the support available to victims. -
#SafeSummer 2024Show detailsThe West Yorkshire Police campaign aims to raise awareness of crimes such as domestic abuse, drink driving, one punch manslaughter and sexual assault during the summer months.
#YouAreNotAloneShow detailsA public awareness raising campaign highlighting that if anyone is at risk of, or experiencing domestic abuse, help is still available.
Posters, leaflets, business cards and screensaversShow detailsDownload the resources by either clicking on the link or by right clicking on your mouse and clicking 'save as' on each image below
1. Help for men suffering from Domestic Abuse
2. Domestic Abuse A3 Poster
3. Domestic Abuse business cards
4. Domestic Abuse A4 posters
5. Domestic Abuse 4 page leaflet
6. Screensaver 1
7. Screensaver 2
8. Screensaver 3
Access support for Domestic Abuse
There are many local and national organisations that help support people around Domestic Abuse issues. Take a look at some of the links below to access training, resources, helplines, further information, injunctions and more.
- IDAS – a specialist charity in the North who offer support for all victims of DA, training and women’s refuges.
- NCDV – offer a free emergency injuction for victims of DA, referral guidance and training opportunities.
- Mind – offer support options to victims of any type of abuse.
- Women’s Aid – helping women to leave their relationships safely.
- OPOKA – help women and children in the Polish community improve health, well-being, financial stability, and happiness by stopping domestic abuse, also offer safehouses and workshops as well as training
- RASAC – Women only safe spaces, offering therapeutic and advisory services for people, aged 13+, who have experienced rape, sexual and domestic abuse, at any time in their lives, living in Kirklees, Calderdale and Wakefield.
- SoundproofBox.org – Offer support for survivors of Domestic Abuse. From resources to support groups to coaching.
- Wakefield Well Women centre – provides mental health, emotional and practical support in a women only space. Supporting women of 16 and above to provide a holistic, non-medical approach to helping improve women’s mental health and well-being. Partners with Turning Point Talking Therapies.
- GASPED – Supporting Male Victims of Domestic Abuse: Offering a safe space for men, in the Wakefield District, who have been affected by Domestic Abuse, to talk openly. They also have a page supporting Male Victims of Sexual Abuse.