Capturing the Voice of the Child
Identifying neglect through the voice of the child
Below are some sample questions you may wish to use when capturing the voice of a child. You do not need to ask all of the questions; they can be used merely as guidance to help inform your conversation.
You can also download this sample question template, by clicking below.
Q. In the past 6 months how often did your parents, or the adults you live with…
Emotional Support: Sample QuestionsShow details· Do things with you just for fun?
· Take an interest in your activities or hobbies?
· Comfort you if you were upset?
· Help you to do your best?
· Help you when you had problems?
· Praise you?
· Tell you they loved you?In response to the above, how does that make you feel?
Education: Sample QuestionsShow details· Show an interest in what you were doing at school?
· Attend parents’ evenings at school?
· Keep track of how you were doing at school – by doing things like reading reports?
· Help you if you had problems at school?
· Support you if you were upset about school?
· Tell you when they thought you had done something well?
· Help you with your homework?
· Make sure you always went to school?
· Help you when you had trouble understanding something?
· Care if you got into trouble at school?In response to the above, how does that make you feel?
Physical Care: Sample QuestionsShow details· Make sure you bathed regularly?
· Make sure you saw a doctor if you needed one?
· Help you get enough to eat?
· Keep the house clean?
· Give you enough clothes to keep you warm?
· Take care of you when you were sick?
· Have something for you to eat when you were hungry?
· Support you to look after your teeth and go to the dentist?In response to the above, how does that make you feel?
Supervision: Sample QuestionsShow details· Ask you where you were going when you went out?
· Want to know what you were doing when you go out?
· Like to know where you were after school?
· Expect you to call or text to let them know if you were going to be home late?
· Care if you got into trouble at school?
· Take an interest in the kind of friends you had?
· Care if you did bad things, like shoplifting?
· Leave you to be responsible for younger siblings for extended periods?In response to the above, how does that make you feel?