CET and Missing Service
Child Exploitation Team (CET) and Missing Service
A multi-agency team of practitioners
The team work together to restore children and young people’s hopes for the future.
The service is co-located within the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) and ensures a co-ordinated response from West Yorkshire Police and Wakefield Children and Young People’s Social Care to the identification, investigation, intervention and disruption of child exploitation.
How does the service work?
They are child centred and:
- Work intensively with children for as long as they need to
- Support the child to minimise their vulnerabilities
- Visit the child as often as they require support
- Work to build trusting relationships between the worker and the child to ensure a holistic support is provided appropriate to their individual needs
- Work with children using a trauma informed approach, recognising that many young people have experienced a number of difficulties in their lives
- Devise a trigger plan for all children which helps to identify the signs of exploitation, tells the child’s story and supports with understanding the risks and indicators of exploitation

CET TeamShow detailsThe team consists of:
CET Team Manager
Advanced Practitioner
Three Family Support Workers
Return Home Interviewer
Ivison Worker
One Missing Coordinator
One Administrator -
Police TeamShow detailsThe team consists of:
Detective Sergeant for CET and five Detective Constables
Detective Sergeant for Missing and two Missing Person Coordinators (Constables)
What to do if you are worried
And you fear a child is at risk of exploitation
Practitioners must follow the usual process for any new referral to CYPS by ringing the Integrated Front Door (IFD) and discussing their concerns on 0345 8503503.
All children open in the CET and Missing Service will have an allocated social worker either from a locality team or child in care. The CET will provide ongoing consultation and support to allocated social workers around exploitation, helping to build the necessary skills to engage in meaningful and protective ways with children who are experiencing these types of harm.

What service do they offer?
To review cases open to Wakefield’s Children and Young People Service (CYPS)
Where a risk of Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE), Criminal Exploitation (CCE) and/or Trafficking has been identified and/or where there are concerns about children who have been missing from home, care or education.
Children placed in Wakefield by another local authority where there are exploitation concerns are also discussed alongside the offer of support. The RAM ensures a multi-agency approach to the sharing of information relating to the safeguarding of children who are vulnerable to any form of exploitation.
Key functions of the RAMShow detailsReduce the number of children vulnerable to exploitation.
Discuss new and existing referrals made to the team and share information collaboratively between agencies to assess and agree level of risk.
Formulate action plans to reduce and monitor the level of risk.
Facilitate direct interventions and promote the safety, protection, health and well-being of children who are at risk of exploitation.
Identify perpetrators of child exploitation and establish the potential risk they pose.

Perpetrator Risk Assessment Meeting (RAM)
Enables a strong focus and a partnership approach to disruption activity in relation to those who may seek to exploit children in Wakefield.
West Yorkshire Police coordinate and lead the Perpetrator RAM locally, with meetings held every six weeks and chaired by a Detective Inspector. Partner agencies attend to share information and intelligence about actual or suspected perpetrators of exploitation and contribute to disruption activities. The RAM and Perpetrator RAM coordinate to share information in respect of children at risk and those who pose a risk to others.

Daily Missing Meeting and Return Home Interviews
Children who have been reported missing in Wakefield are discussed daily at the missing meeting, with actions coordinated and agreed each working day.
Allocated social workers are invited to attend to share information, or in the case of children who do not have an allocated social worker, raised via a referral into the IFD.
Missing co-ordinators within the CET and Police, teams work closely to review children reported missing and ensure up-to-date and accurate knowledge about new missing episodes.
The Children Missing from Home and Care Protocol sets out the expectations and timescales of how agencies respond to children who are missing in the Wakefield area. All children who are missing are offered a Return Home Interview (RHI) within 72 hours by the CET and Missing Service. The RHI process provides an opportunity to understand the issues prompting a child to go missing and a chance to commence interventions to reduce the likelihood of recurrence.
Click here for practice guidance in respect of how to approach and undertake an effective RHI.
Wakefield district follows the Philomena Protocol, a national scheme for agencies to record key information which can be used in the event of a vulnerable child going missing.

CET Advice Clinics
Monthly multi-agency led drop-in advice clinics for practitioners.
The clinics provide a forum for practitioners to receive advice, support and guidance where exploitation or risk of exploitation of a child is suspected and are made up of practitioners from the CET Team, Police, Liaison and Diversion, Youth Justice Service and the Ivison Trust.
Clinic suports:
- Concerns that a child is vulnerable to exploitation but there are difficulties around engagement.
- Advice as to whether concerns in respect of exploitation may necessitate a referral to Social Care Direct and subsequently the CET.
- Concerns where a child may be exploiting others.
- Advice and support on how to engage a child who may be vulnerable to exploitation.
- Information shared within this forum to assist the CET and Police to triangulate any evidence or intelligence which may assist in the early identification of victims and perpetrators of exploitation.
How do the clinics run?Show detailsCVE Advice Clinics are held on a monthly basis, for two hours on a Friday which is accessible via Teams. A schedule is shared in advance with practitioners who are given an individual invite to allow them to join at an allocated time. This is not a panel and there is no paperwork for the practitioner to complete in advance.
Currently, the clinics are available to the:The Interventions Teams
Targeted Early Help
Youth Justice Service
Social WorkersThe CET Advice Clinics does not replace the RAM process, nor does it replace the function of the IFD. If there are immediate safeguarding concerns in respect of a child, contact Social Care Direct on 03458 503 503.
There are plans to expand the CET Clinics to other services in due course and will be updated via the website when ready.
A Contextual Safeguarding response – Mapping and Scoping MeetingsShow detailsThe CET use mapping and scoping techniques to increase their knowledge about children to help identify safety and risks.
They consider a child's:Associations, friendships, peer groups
The spaces in which they are spending time – neighbourhoods, parks, clubs etc.
Any links or associations to other areas
Education settings
Call on 01924 303570 Contact the CET &
Missing Service director email via the links below
Which team? email the following
cveteam@wakefield.gov.uk or missing_young_people@wakefield.gov.uk
Contact Services Direct

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