Join the #Speak Up Stand Up Campaign
The #SpeakUpStandUp campaign plays a crucial role in raising awareness and promoting action through
- The Knowledge Hub which centralises information to provide a platform for all members of the community and practitioners that support children and their families where they can access materials, resources and training
- The Resources equip those who work, volunteer or care for children with a range of informative and easy to access approaches for preventing, identifying, disrupting and stopping exploitation
- Campaign Participation encourages participation through the #SpeakUpStandUp campaign helps to mobilise people to take action in the Wakefield District promoting a culture of preventing, identifying, disrupting and stopping child exploitation
- Partnership Engagement with West Yorkshire Police, the Wakefield Children Vulnerable to Exploitation (CVE) team, Children & Young People’s Services, Schools & Colleges, Parents, Carers and Volunatary & Community organisations will create a coordinated and effective response to child exploitation in the Wakefield District.

Why is it important for you to join the #SpeakUpStandUp campaign?
If we understand the intricacies of the context surrounding child exploitation we can adopt a tenacious approach to preventing, identifying, disrupting, and stopping exploitation both locally and nationally. It is important to remember that any child can be vulnerable to child exploitation, and every child should be protected from harm through robust safeguarding strategies.
- Since 2018 there has been a rise of 82% in online grooming offences and a 66% increase in child abuse image crimes in the UK.
- Around 144 children go missing every day
- The United Kingdom is the most prominent country of origin for trafficked children
- A quarter of all trafficked children go missing from local authority care
- Exploitation does not suddenly stop when a child turns 18. Transitional safeguarding across multi-agency partners must be embedded so that the vulnerability of young people aged 18 – 25 is recognised.
Download materials

What is the purpose of the campaign for Communities & Local Businesses?Show detailsThe campaign aims to promote the resources available for those who live or work in the local community to:
Understand that any child can be exploited and a community response will support and safeguard local children to identify, disrupt, prevent and stop child exploitation
increase awareness of the signs and indicators of child exploitation
encourage a child centred response to child exploitation, recognising that children may commit crime as part of their exploitation
increase the reporting of intelligence related to child exploitationBusinesses will be able to request a pack of posters and leaflets from WSCP to display in their establishment click here to request your pack now or scroll down to download
Resources for the Local Community & BusinessesShow detailsDownload these images (by right clicking on your mouse and clicking 'save as' on each image) to support the campaign by sharing and posting these alongside the messages below.
The bespoke local business resources and information can be displayed in staff rooms, toilets, reception areas, cashier desks and workplace environments to gain maximum visibility.
Generic posters that can be displayed in communal areas such as family hubs, doctors’ surgeries, bus stations and local businesses for example for the public to raise awareness of child exploitation and to enable those concerned to report what they see to either 101 or Crimestoppers.1. Email Signature
2. General Posters
3. Business Specific Posters
4. A5 Postcards
Messages (to use with the above graphics)Show details1. What if it was your sister, your son, your daughter or someone you loved?
@Wakefield_scp have developed a NEW resource to stop Child Exploitation in our local community
Get proactive, spread the word and come together to help Stop Exploitation ⤵️
2. 🚨 A NEW Community & Local Businesses page has been created by @Wakefield_scp!
Download the resources & play your part
✅ Banks
✅ Restaurants & hospitality
✅ Transport
✅ Retail
Join the fight to prevent, identify, disrupt, and stop child exploitation
3. ❗ Are you sure you would recognise a child in danger of exploitation?
To find out if your business is a potential target for perpetrators of child exploitation, visit @Wakefield_scp’s webpage 👉
4. 🚨 Exploitation is Child ABUSE. Any child can be at risk!
Play your part and report what you see and hear. Find out more on @Wakefield_scp’s webpage ⤵
5. :( ❗ ): Change your perspective
👉 If a child appears agitated, they may just be scared.
👉 If a child has a new set of friends, they may be being groomed!
Stay alert. Report what you see.
If you hear
✅ Ride or Die
✅Jacked Up
✅On Lock
A child may be being exploited Stay alert. Report what you hear.

What is the purpose of the campaign for professionals?Show detailsThe campaign aims to promote the resources available for those who work or volunteer with children and families to:
support a child in order to identify, disrupt, prevent and stop child exploitation
increase awareness of the signs and indicators of child exploitation
encourage a child centred response to child exploitation, recognising that children may commit crime as part of their exploitation
increase the reporting of intelligence related to child exploitation
Resources for ProfessionalsShow detailsDownload these images (by right clicking on your mouse and clicking 'save as' on each image) to support the campaign by sharing and posting these alongside the above messages.
1. Email Signature
2. X (Twitter) Cover
3. Screensaver
4. Carousel
5. GIF
MessagesShow details👂 Have you heard?
@Wakefield_scp have developed a NEW addition to their Knowledge Hub Speak Up Stand Up Stop Exploitation! If you work or volunteer with children in the Wakefield District
Check it out here 👉
❓ Do you want to know more about the different types of Child Criminal Exploitation?
🤔 Or how to spot the signs, and recognise the risks?
Click on the link for more information ⤵
Understand how to spot the signs, risks, and perpetrator behaviours of Child Sexual Exploitation.
If you suspect a child is being sexually exploited visit the @Wakefield_scp’s NEW Speak Up Stand Up Stop Exploitation section of the Knowledge Hub 👉
Did you know an estimated 12 million children around the world wake up each day trapped in modern slavery? 😢
To learn more about Child Trafficking and Modern Slavery in the Wakefield district, along with support services and signposting, click here 👉
💷 Financial Exploitation in children can be difficult to spot.
Learn more about how to spot the signs and recognise the risk factors by visiting @Wakefield_scp’s NEW Knowledge Hub⤵
Children go missing every day. 😢
Evidence shows that when children are missing from school, even for a short time, this can increase the risk of both sexual and criminal exploitation.
For more information, visit @Wakefield_scp’s Knowledge Hub 👉
💻 Online Grooming is the act of developing a relationship with a child to enable their exploitation both online and offline.
Online exploitation can occur in every other type of exploitation.
Click here to learn more ➡
🔀 Contextual Safeguarding is an approach which understands and responds to a child’s experience of significant harm beyond their family.
Find out more about Extra Familial Harm by checking out @Wakefield_scp’s NEW Speak Up Stand Up Stop Exploitation section of the Knowledge Hub ⤵
❗ Any child can be exploited.
The NEW @Wakefield_scp Knowledge Hub hosts the latest developments in information, resources, videos and links to help you to spot the signs and understand how to respond to and disrupt Child Exploitation.
Check it out here 👉