West Yorkshire Police 'Patnership Intelligence Portal' (PIP)

What is the PiP?

West Yorkshire Police provide a central reporting system for practitioners and local businesses to access called the partnership intelligence portal.

Take a look at the presentation link here to find out how to create an account, understand more about the information you share and how it is used to gather intelligence. Reporting what may feel like insignificant information about potential perpetrators, a location hot spot or a child at risk, can keep a child safe from harm and abuse.

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Find out more
  • What is the PiP?
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    The Partnership Intelligence Portal is a system which authorised partners and organisations can use to submit information and intelligence to West Yorkshire Police.

    It is not:

    •A replacement for existing referral or reporting mechanisms

    •For reporting Crime (101 or 999 in an emergency)

    •For reporting anything which requires an urgent or critical Police response – ie a crime in action or a crime that will be committed imminently

  • How can I access the PiP?
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    Visit the West Yorkshire Police website here. Select 'Partnership Intelligence Submission' and access your account (you can also apply for an account if your organisation hasn't already done so).

  • What kind of intelligence should I share?
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    The following types of information can be submitted via the PiP to help police investigations:

    Who – victims, perpetrators, (what are the vulnerabilities? What enticements are offered?)
    Where – locations of exploitation or grooming, places used, use of hotels, offence locations
    Phone numbers, social media accounts & platforms used, (how is contact initiated? Online/in person contact?)
    Travel – vehicles (including registration numbers), taxis, public transport. (How are the victims transported?)
    Consider reporting the following: How does the exploitation take place? Are substances used? What are the trends?  What are the crime types? Who benefits?