Where to start?
The basics
WSCP offer a breadth of materials to help you support and safeguard a child. We offer quick one minute guides on a variety of topics, 7 point breifings, masterclasses and much more and you can also visit our Knowledge Hub for the more toolkits and bite sized guides (click on the video link below for a quick tour of the child exploitation section).
When visiting our 'professionals' page you will find an array of information from campaign materials, procedures, forms, tools and frameworks, to one minute guides to managing allegations against staff and learning from reviews and audit.
If you haven't already done so in a previous role, getting a basic awareness of safeguarding practices, protocols and procedures will help gain a foundation for understanding more complex issues.
Let's take a look at where to start...
Basic Safeguarding Training
1hr 20 mins - an introductory course covering basic safeguarding.
It gives participants information about the principles for working with children, young people and families.
WSCP advises all practitioners who work or volunteer with children and families to undertake this training as part of induction.
WSCP Training offer
How can you access it?
We offer a variety of free multi agency training as well as education specific training to anyone who works or volunteers with children and their families. Our training offer is updated frequently and communicated via our free e-bulletin, which also has all the latest in safeguarding updates.
Make sure you sign up today!
Or visit our Training page here to see what's on offer.
Once you have completed your basic awareness you can move onto a basic understanding of some of the main services involved in keeping children safe and from harm.
Click on the ‘Next’ button below