Child Exploitation Learning & Development
Increase your knowledge
If you are a practitioner in the Wakefield District who works or volunteers with children and families, this page will give you full access to a range of Child Exploitation training, development and resources, as well as signposting to services.
In addition to what is included on the individual Speak Up. Stand Up. Stop Exploitation! practitioner pages of the Knowledge Hub, below you will find links to current training offers, one minute guides, briefings, learning from reviews and signposting to services which can help you with developing your skills and knowledge in relation to Child Exploitation.
Access our Child Exploitation library of One Minute Guides (1MG) hereShow detailsKey:
Access our Child Exploitation library of One Minute Guides (1MG) hereShow detailsKey:
Intelligence SharingShow detailsFor more detials on what information to report to the police and how to access the Partnership Intelligence Portal (PIP) click here
Take a look at our main library of One Minute GuidesShow detailsFind more information on contextual safeguarding, bullying and other one minute guides:
The power of language
Avoiding victim blaming
Waltham Forest produced this powerful short video in 2016 to help practitioners understand the power of language.
The following 3 videos are resources you can access for CSE
Reports & Guidance:
Invisible Children: Understanding the risk of the cost-of living crisis and school holidays on child sexual and criminal exploitation July 2023
An inspection of the effectiveness of the police and law enforcement bodies’ response to group-based child sexual exploitation in England and Wales Dec 2022
National Crime Agency: Child sexual abuse and exploitation Feb 2024
NPCC - Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Analysis Jan 2024
This section will be updated regularly so make sure you keep on visiting for the latest training offers.
Learning Exchange Events
These events are designed to help practitioners who work or volunteer with children and their families where child exploitation is a concern. There will be an opportunity to network, share best practice and exchange knowledge as well as meeting services in the Wakefield District.
Coming soon…
Meet the Child Exploitation Team (CET) – Date TBA
The importance of Contextual Safeguarding / Extra-Familial Harm – Date TBA
Understanding the impact of Child Financial Exploitation – Date TBA
How Professional Curiosity & Challenge can help youShow detailsBeing professionally curious and challenging is essential when it comes to identifying types of child exploitation, as some may occur in isolation whilst others alongside each other. It can be difficult to distinguish what type of exploitation a child is experiencing but having a contextual safeguarding approach to your assessment will help you to identify, prevent, disrupt and stop exploitation. Risks posed to a child may vary but can be as serious as death, we must therefore ensure the correct safeguarding response is considered when a child is being abused.
To understand what is meant by professional curiosity and challenge in the district and how to adopt this approach, please click below.
#LookCloser Programme of LearningShow detailsThe Children's Society are delighted to invite you to join them for their latest #LookCloser programme of learning.
They have developed sessions based on learning from The Children’s Society and wider partners to tackle the issues of child exploitation and abuseAll sessions are free of charge and delivered on Microsoft Teams which means:
– Interaction with the presenters and participants will be limited
– There will however, be a Q&A function
– They will use tools such as Menti to provide opportunities for engagement and discussion.Learn more about the programme of learning and how to book here
Learning Exchange Event Dec 24
National Referral Mechanism
As part of our Speak Up! Stand Up! Stop Exploitation! campaign, during our virtual Learning Exchange event we were joined by colleagues from West Yorkshire Police’s Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Team, and Barnardo’s Independent Child Trafficking Guardianship Service for a deep dive into the National Referral Mechanism.
To receive the slides from this presentation please fill out the evaluation form here and then request the slides from
Learning Exchange Event Sept 24
From Information to Intelligence
As part of our Speak Up! Stand Up! Stop Exploitation! campaign, our virtual Learning Exchange event had Ivison Trust and West Yorkshire Police discuss the value and context of information and intelligence, how it drives intervention and investigation and introduced the Partnership Intelligence Portal (PiP) to those who work and volunteer with children and their families.
To receive the slides from this presentation please fill out the evaluation form here and then request the slides from
Take a look at the evaluation infograph from this event here
Services in the Wakefield District
Recent Case reviews

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